Ms. Sydney Lohan LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist * AMTA Liability Insurance


Sports & Deep Tissue Massage

Sports Massage, moderate massage and stretching in an upbeat way - can help warm-up an athlete for an event.

Deep Tissue Massage is intended to stretch & lengthen fascia and relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue.

Deep Tissue Massage is reported to be a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motion, and tightness related to old injuries by improving range of motion & blood flow. People have experienced increases in speed, strength, recovery and flexibility with greater ease and alignment in their body.

This deep work, requires that the client provides feedback during the treatment with regard to their comfort level and tolerance of the work. It is often suggested that drinking plenty of water is needed afterwards, to your tolerance and health needs, along with gentle movement. It is common to be sore from the work for a day or more.

NOTE: If you have an ATHLETIC EVENT within 2 DAYS of your treatment, notify me so we can achieve your health goals, while attempting to minimize your soreness from the treatment.

Active Isolated Stretching

Developed by Aaron L. Mattes RKT, LMT, Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is a dynamic system for improving your flexibility and overall well-being. Studies have shown that stretching your muscles has the possibility of not only reducing your chance of injury, but can also affect your tendons in a positive way and is reported to improve circulation.

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a light touch therapy, aimed at increasing circulation. It can be very relaxing and is reported to be a therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as effleurage, petrassage, rolling, kneading, percussion and tappotment to help improve circulation.

The benefits of this type of bodywork can be wide-ranging. Some people have gotten relief from aches and pains with Swedish Massage, a decrease in stress levels in their body, mind & spirit, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, improved sleep and feeling more relaxed.